The courses offered by Kolitz Colour Accounting are presented by Maeve Kolitz who is a South African Chartered Accountant now based in Exeter, Devon.
Maeve has many years of experience in the accounting field, both in professional practice and in teaching. She has taught at university level and on in-house training courses offered by accounting firms. Course participants at all levels, from the most junior to the most senior, have benefited from attending courses taught by her.
Maeve has recently been accredited by Accounting Comes Alive International to present Colour Accounting training courses throughout the UK. Accounting Comes Alive International is an education and publishing company headquartered in Washington DC, USA. Since the 1990s the company has developed the breakthrough Colour Accounting system of graphically representing financial information that makes teaching accounting, finance and business much easier. Accounting Comes Alive International has two divisions: live training (that is offered in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe and North America) and also electronic products.